Monday 18 March 2019

Gmail Account Hacked ? | Learn How to recover Gmail account - Prokistan


         Gmail is a free email service developed by Google. You can send a message or receive any type
of message you can send your pictures or documents in an email to the receivers.
how to hack google account | google account recoveryUsers can access Gmail on the web and using third-party programs that
synchronize email content through POP or IMAP protocols. 
Gmail is one of the top electronic mail services. Every network uses Gmail because of its higher
security and can be used anytime you want. You can use Gmail account for creating a social account
like facebook Instagram twitter etc it is the best way to send your products to your costumers
because you can use Gmail for marketing.

How to Hack Gmail | Google Account

Hacking Gmail or Google is not so easy to be hacked directly because the Google developer is the world top developers and you can not hack their products  directly like youtube google chrome Gmail etc but you will use the alternate way  that what is the possible way to hack someone Gmail etc. our today topic is on that how can I hack Gmail account so  for that we will use Social Engineering ( PHISHING )

and this is the easiest way to hack someone Gmail account so let's get started!

First of all, you should have one z shadow account if you don't know what is z shadow and how it works then read out this article on how to create z shadow account and how it works.

Now sign in to the Z Shadow and account and you will see your home page of z shadow account there will alot of websites are put in z shadow so you scroll down the home page a bit and you will see the Gmail icon.

Now look to the corresponding side of the Gmail icon you and you will see written English icon or some other languages but you simply click on English and that will automatically create a link for you so click on  English icon and you will get the link  copy the entire link  and now close this tab and go the Facebook WhatsAPP or general message and past the link over message content area.

Now write over there 
Prokistan we are very glad that we have an awesome website that can give you 10$ on just watching 5 ads this will take 20 minutes to be complete and I am using this website from last 30 days if you are interested you can join it by the following link! (  Your z shadow link ).
and send it to your victim when He/She open the link that will be the Gmail login page and they will thinking that this is the earning website but its need to confirm the Gmail account and they will give their email and password but now where will you receive this Login information of your victim?

 Simply log in to the z shadow account look to the bar located on the top of the z shadow home page and click on the victim when you click on victim it will just show you the email and the password the IP address of your victim to now login to his/her Gmail and change all the log in the and Gmail Account Recovery Options and that's if you did it cheers.

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